DIY Moon Phase Birthday Wallpaper: A Step-by-Step Guide
Welcome to this tutorial on how to create a moon phase birthday wallpaper! This trendy wallpaper combines your moon phase with your significant other’s birthday moon phase, and has been a popular trend on TikTok. In just a few simple steps, you can make your own unique wallpaper to celebrate your birthdays. First, you’ll need to go to the website moonphases.co.uk to find your moon phases. Then, you’ll use the website pixart to create the wallpaper and adjust the brightness and contrast of the images. Finally, you’ll save the wallpaper to your camera roll and set it as your background. Follow these instructions to create your own moon phase birthday wallpaper.
Go to moonphases.co.uk
Go to the website moonphases.co.uk using the Safari web browser.
Find the calendar and select your birth month, year, and date
Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the calendar.
Find your birthday moon phase image and add to photos
Press on the month and year of your birthday, and enter your birth date. For example, if your birthday is September 8, 2000, you would select September as the month, 2000 as the year, and enter 8 as your birth date.
Repeat the process for your significant other’s birthday
Scroll back up the page and find your birthday moon phase image. Press on the image to magnify it, then press and hold on the larger image and press “Add to Photos.”
Select a black background on Pixart
Repeat the process for your significant other’s birthday, inserting their birth month, year, and date into the calendar. Then, press on their birthday moon phase image, press and hold, and press “Add to Photos.”
Add the moon phase images to the background
Go to the website Pixart and select a black background.
Resize the images as desired
Go to “Add Photos” and add the images of your and your significant other’s birthday moon phases.
Adjust the brightness and contrast of the images
Resize the images as desired. Press on each image and go to “Adjust.” Increase the brightness and decrease the contrast so that the dark part of the moon is still visible and the circle is clearer.
Save the wallpaper to your camera roll
Save the wallpaper to your camera roll.
Set the wallpaper using the “Set as Wallpaper” option in your camera roll
Open your camera roll, press the “Share” button, and scroll until you find “Set as Wallpaper.”
Adjust the image as desired and press “Set Both” to set the wallpaper.
Adjust the image as desired, then press “Set Both” to set the wallpaper.
Categorised in: Tiktok